Walla Walla Catholic Schools recognizes and appreciates the need for volunteer work as an essential part of the total commitment to our Catholic School community. Volunteer efforts greatly offset the need for increased tuition, parish subsidies, or fundraising activities. With this in mind, each school family is asked to commit volunteer hours to the school system.
Each family registered in the school system will provide 25 or more hours of volunteer service each year (July 1 - June 30). Volunteer commitments must be met within the year and cannot be used for another year.
Families can apply up to 6 hours of driving time from their required hours. The "Drivers Insurance Form" must be completed prior to driving/signing up to drive. Please note that parents drivers or who work with children will be required to complete a background check and complete a Safe Environment (VIRTUS) online training. This must be updated online annually.
Family members are responsible for self-reporting accurate volunteer activities on Parent Square. See instructions HERE.
The school principal will review reported volunteer activities during registration.
Families who choose not to participate may instead pay an opt-out fee of $425 and will have the opportunity to make their choice during the Enrollment Process.
There are many ways to give of your valuable time within the WWCS system, three critical volunteer activities that we ask all community members to participate in are: